Thursday, August 14, 2008

Let the Hilarity Ensue!

So here I sit in Glen Rose, Texas at a staff planning retreat. Now, there are few things I enjoy more than a good meeting. Such as, repeated kicks to the shins, unwarrented kicks to the groin, and hapless punches to the face! BUT...being here I have come to realize that meetings can be fun.

Let me lay out the scenario for you.
1. I am at a swanky facility with my own room, this room has a garden tub.
-This means that I will be sleeping soundly, and I get to take bubble bath. (sorry for the mental image)
2. I get to hang out with Jake, Johnny and Karen and we really are not that formal.
-We have already made some moderately borderline jokes...
3. I get all of this for free!
-The church has paid for all of this. Including meals!

1+2+3= I LOVE MY JOB!

My advice...Try to find something you love and do that!! It makes life enjoyable.

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