Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of School....For The Semester

Here I sit, waiting for my last class of the day begin. It is the first day of the fall semester and I wish every day could be like this. The teachers only talk for 15-20 minutes. There is an excitement in everyone...it is perfect.

Despite the amazing atmosphere that surrounds the opening day of classes, it never fails that in every class there is that ONE person who will haunt you for the entirety of your semester.
In my first class, his name is AARON!!! This kid is treat!

He had a reply for everything the prof. said. He thinks that by throwing big words into sentences, it warrants him wasting our time and his breath.

I am sure the stories will fill these pages in the months to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahah, i laughed reading about this Aaron fella' there is a guy like that in my Western Civ class.
The only thing is, he doesn't use big words...so he just sounds like a moron.

I am temped to throw things at him.

<3 Margo