Monday, November 10, 2008

Post-It Notes

They are such a staple of the office world. Who ever decided to invent this wonderful little blank piece of paper with a sticky strip should be awarded the title of "world's greatest thinker." So many incredible thoughts, pieces of information, and doodles (sp?) have been left on this 2"x2" space. Whether the color is traditional yellow, or some other variation, the principle of the things remians.

Yesterday, I got done with the 9:30 service at church, went to teach my sunday school class, and when I returned, my desk was riddled with these little gems. One on the phone, some on my computer, some on the desk itself. But when I was told there were some I had to find, I was ready for the task.

I searched drawers, I got under my desk on my back to look for them, I turned my desk area upside down and when I finally found them, I felt accomplished. So now they rest on my computer, covering every inch of space that is not a part of the screen! And they may never come down.

So, thank you Mr. Sticky Note inventor. Because of your idea, nay your dream, I am the happiest man alive.

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