Wednesday, October 8, 2008

At Church All Day!!!

This morning I rolled out of bed, Got dressed in natty atire (jeans, t-shirt and JACKET). I was so excited that it was cool enough (and so was I) to wear a jacket. I got in my obviously stylish ride and headed to work. 
Now, most people work 9a-5p or a little longer and go home to dinner and bed. But do I get to do that? NO WAY!!! I get to my office at 8a-9a, then go to meetings, do paperwork, e-mail people for the day, eat a quick lunch, and then start getting ready for youth!
This translates into a 13 hour day at work. Now, as long as that sounds, I get free meals, and I get to do amazing stuff like, record and write music. Its ideal.  

Today, I felt really good because I have been inspired :) to write a lot of new songs and I got to record them today. I am pretty pumped. My night will be over at 6p and then I get to go home, watch TV, do some homework, and then drift off to sleep. Overall, I think I have it pretty good.

-Free food + Song writing + Facebooking = Awesome!

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