Sunday, October 12, 2008

Hark! The Herald...Christmas Music Already?

Its October, its not cold outside, Haloween has not occured, and Baseball is still being played...what does this mean? It means, its not time for CHRISTMAS music. But, despite what I feel and think, it is already happening.

I went to a meeting today to plan this years annual, Christmas Concert. Now, in and of themselves, Christmas carols are not horrible. But when Michael W. Smith gets his filthy mits on them, thats when they really become amazing (enter sarcasm here). I sat and listened to songs that simply confounded me. To think that people can willingly sit and listen to that type of music and not automatically become jealous of Helen Keller, is a mystery.

No matter what happens, I'm sure I will just hold my tongue, smile, and play the music and try to forget about it immediately. Let it be known...If I see Michael W. Smith, I will have words....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA!!!! HK... she gets me everytime.